About HOS

The Houston Objectivism Society is an organization dedicated to spreading the ideas of Ayn Rand and her philosophy of Objectivism in the Houston area.

Following are some activities of the Houston Objectivism Society:

  • HOS meets monthly to provide a forum for the discussion of Objectivism and its application to current issues.
  • Typical meetings will involve a member presenting a talk on a topic of general interest, a reading of a play, a discussion of some essays from the Objectivist literature, or a lecture by a major Objectivist speaker.
  • HOS disseminates news and information of interest to Objectivists such as Houston-area activities related to Objectivism and lectures by visiting Objectivist intellectuals.
  • HOS provides an opportunity for Objectivists to meet socially. In addition to the monthly meetings, HOS hosts a Christmas party each year.
  • HOS promotes Objectivism in the Houston area by activities such as providing copies of Ayn Rand’s novels to Houston-area schools through its Book Room Project (over $8000 worth of books have been donated to date) and conducting letter-writing campaigns to the Houston Chronicle, and in the past has held a scholarship essay contest for Houston-area high school students (over $18,000 has been donated).

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